Sarah Laks
Certified Pilates Instructor
photo by Krystal Passey
Sarah Laks first became certified in the Pilates method in 2000 from the Ellie Herman Studio in San Francisco. Her background in modern dance, her understanding of the importance of movement for a healthy life, and the influence of her mother, a physical therapist, led her to pursue a career in teaching movement.
Sarah took her skills north to Portland, and for five years, she taught Pilates at studios and gyms throughout town, including her own studio, located in her husband’s art and music production facility, AudioCinema.
She became certified in the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM ® before heading back down the coast to Los Angeles. There she lived and taught for 9 years, with the majority of it as manager of the Pilates department of Equinox Beverly Hills. While in LA, she also continued her education in the GYROTONIC ® method and got a second comprehensive Pilates certification through Balanced Body.
In the summer of 2019, Sarah and her family moved back to Portland where she has continued to hone her teaching skills, furthering her movement education, teaching at multiple and varied locations throughout Portland, and growing her own virtual teaching business.
In 2021, Sarah began teaching the GYROKINESIS ® method, which is the equipment-free version of GYROTONIC ®. Just as the linear nature of Pilates and the circular qualities of GYROTONIC ® complement each other and create a balanced body, Sarah’s experience teaching in boutique studios and in corporate fitness clubs has helped make her a well-rounded teacher.
She loves the challenge of working with people with physical limitations as well as those that are highly conditioned, and everyone in between. Whether in-person or virtually, Sarah loves to teach and loves finding new ways to keep her clients engaged and feeling their best!