Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy finds its origins in the work of an American osteopath -Dr. William Garner Sutherland(1873-1954). His work has been interpreted and developed in many directions. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is one branch that is continuing to be developed and taught. Adriana practices the biodynamic approach, as taught by Todd Jackson, in the lineage of Bruno Ducoux, D.O.
This is a gentle, holistic, light touch approach, in which the practitioner uses subtle palpation to sense and relate to the patterns of motility in the client’s system. With patience, sensitivity and deep presence, the practitioner orients to what emerges moment to moment, and supports and follows the inherent health in the client’s own intelligent system. This presence acts “as a fulcrum for health to express itself”.-(Todd Jackson)
Sessions are not based on a particular treatment plan or protocol, but only in deep attention and relationship to the present moment, and what arises from the client’s own system.
There is an honor for the inherent health and intelligence in the human body, and its ability to self adjust and seek balance.
What to expect in a session
We will begin with a brief health history and intake, and a standing assessment, palpating and scanning for muscular and fascial areas of density.
Sessions are then facilitated with the client in comfortable clothing, on a massage table.
There may be use of a blanket and pillows for the client’s comfort.
Light touch and subtle palpation are used in deep presence, to observe, support and facilitate the client’s system as it finds a state of more ease, at its own pace.
The practitioner may stay with one area of the body, in the context of the awareness of the interconnection of the entire person, or there may be more movement and connection with more than one area, depending on what emerges. Sometimes, as soft tissue and structures settle, there may be movement that occurs from the client, which will be observed, followed and supported by the practitioner.
Each person’s response and experience may be unique, but some common reports are sensations of warmth, tingling, expansion, and settling. There can be deep relaxation, and possibly falling asleep, and a sense of renewed energy.
*This work can be experienced on it’s own, or combined with massage techniques as an integrated bodywork session.
Integrated Bodywork
In this work, Adriana draws on all the tools from her movement and bodywork training, to adapt to the moment, and what is presenting. As the guiding dimension, these sessions are based in acknowledgements shared by both Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, as taught by Todd Jackson and Traditional Hawaiian Lomilomi. These are an emphasis on the cultivation of presence on the part of the practitioner, and an honoring of the inherent ability and wisdom in all living things, to seek balance.
The work unfolds at a rate that is set by the client’s own system, and therefore does not follow a treatment plan, or particular protocol. It is a holistic approach, supporting the whole system towards greater connection. Various massage modalities may be integrated with this Biodynamic approach, such as Swedish massage, Traditional Hawaiian Lomilomi and Myofascial Release.
What to expect in a session
We will begin with a brief health history and intake, and a standing assessment, palpating and scanning for muscular and fascial areas of density.
Sessions are then facilitated with the client fully clothed, on a massage table. A blanket or sheet and pillow may also be used for the client’s comfort. This work is done with the client in clothing, in order to best adapt to any movement and stretching that may arise, and to facilitate the fluidity of the session. Clients should wear comfortable clothing, in which they can move freely, such as, bike shorts, exercise pants or loose fitting pants and a t-shirt or tank top.
With deep presence and sensitivity, the practitioner will listen to, and follow what the client’s system is presenting, moment to moment, following and supporting any expansions, contractions, movements or stillness that may arise. There may be more sinking with pressure into fascia and muscle tissue, and into assisted movement or stretching, at a rate in harmony with any shifting, settling or releasing in the soft tissue, and the client’s system as a whole.